Will The Bitcoin Price Drop If The Stock Market Crashes?

bitcoin value

Despite COVID-19, the stock markets have kept pushing higher, backed by the exceptional support of the government. But in recent times, murmurings of a crash have been getting louder. In addition, non-implementation of easing policies has only served to justify talks of a possible stock market crash. Bitcoin (BTC) and stocks are traditionally correlated. One … Read more

Will Bitcoin Ever Be Stable?

bitcoin value

In general, for Bitcoin values, 2019 has been a good year. As the year steadily began with a low valuation, the blockchain ended great and came into the new decade with a splash. If you can guess, the Bitcoin price was adversely affected by the latest coronavirus outbreak. The recession triggered the most crucial price … Read more

Is Bitcoin on its Way to a Massive Bull Run?

bitcoin value

Grayscale Investments, one of the leading cryptocurrency fund managers, believes that the position of Bitcoin currently is surprisingly similar to its position in 2016, just before it went on a ground-shattering bull run. The fund management firm believes that the demand for Bitcoin would drastically increase by the end of the year as the US … Read more

Guide For Setting Up A Crypto Business In Switzerland

Guide For Setting Up A Crypto Business In Switzerland

The new industry standard, cryptocurrency as a legalized system, earns the user’s trust. There’s a significant chance that cryptocurrency will make its way to traditional financial sectors in the coming years. European Union is eager to evolve cryptocurrency by introducing crypto assets and technologies to traditional sectors. The challenge in this regard is the regulatory-financial … Read more

How Will Better Blockchain Monitoring Make Crypto Safer?

Blockchain Monitoring Make Crypto Safer

The use of blockchain and cryptocurrency has already brought many changes, and yet many more are expected. Both of these things are interlinked, and hence it becomes necessary to know how each of them affects the other one. The use of blockchain is gradually spreading in different areas, and the same is the case with … Read more

Crypto Valley Residents Can Now Pay Taxes In Bitcoin

Crypto Valley

The cantons of Switzerland have made dealing with Crypto Valley that the citizens are allowed to pay taxes in Bitcoins and Ether. It was reported that both the firms and individuals are allowed to pay the taxes that fall within 100,000 Swiss francs ($109,670). The cantons have roughly 127,000 people, which have chosen government services … Read more

Blockchain-Powered ‘Smart Brain’ To Govern China’s New ‘Aerospace City.’

Blockchain in Aerospace

What is Blockchain? Blockchains are distributed, decentralized, and public, record-keeping technology, where the digital information in the form of blocks will be stored as a chain in a public database. The blocks in blockchain stores information like the date and time and total dollars you had spent from any online retailing shops. The block also … Read more